chmod +x ../
../ -Dembed=true && mv ../build/release/lc0 Leela-694C8AE0-BC27A6CA
The Meson build system
Version: 0.63.0
Source dir: /tmp/tmpat5c67q8/Leela/Leela-tmp
Build dir: /tmp/tmpat5c67q8/Leela/Leela-tmp/build/release
Build type: native build
Project name: lc0
Project version: undefined
C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (gcc 9.4.0 "c++ (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0")
C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.34
Host machine cpu family: x86_64
Host machine cpu: x86_64
Has header "optional" : YES 
Has header "string_view" : YES 
Has header "charconv" : YES 
Compiler for C++ supports arguments -march=native: YES 
Program scripts/ found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /tmp/tmpat5c67q8/Leela/Leela-tmp/scripts/
Program git found: YES (/usr/bin/git)
WARNING: You should add the boolean check kwarg to the run_command call.
         It currently defaults to false,
         but it will default to true in future releases of meson.
         See also:
Message: cloning lczero-common.git into libs/lczero-common WARNING: Failed to parse short revision. Use git clone instead of downloading the archive from GitHub.
Message: Using build identifier "git.unknown".
Configuring build_id.h using configuration
Run-time dependency threads found: YES
Library dl found: YES
Found pkg-config: /usr/bin/pkg-config (0.29.1)
Did not find CMake 'cmake'
Found CMake: NO
Run-time dependency tensorflow_cc found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Run-time dependency accelerate found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Library mkl_rt found: NO
Library mklml found: NO
Library dnnl found: NO
Library openblas.dll found: NO
Library openblas found: NO
Run-time dependency eigen3 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency eigen3
Downloading eigen source from
Downloading file of unknown size.
Downloading eigen patch from
Download size: 5619
Downloading: ..........

Executing subproject eigen 

eigen| Project name: eigen
eigen| Project version: 3.4.0
eigen| C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (gcc 9.4.0 "c++ (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0")
eigen| C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.34
eigen| Build targets in project: 0
eigen| Subproject eigen finished.

Dependency eigen3 from subproject subprojects/eigen-3.4.0 found: YES 3.4.0
Program ispc found: NO
Library OpenCL found: YES
Run-time dependency opencl found: NO 
Has header "CL/opencl.h" : NO 
Library cublas found: YES
Library cudnn found: NO
Library cudart found: YES
Program nvcc found: YES (/usr/local/cuda-11.5/bin/nvcc)
Run-time dependency appleframeworks found: NO (tried framework)
Downloading abseil-cpp source from
Download size: 2119641
Downloading: ..........
Downloading abseil-cpp patch from
Download size: 5857
Downloading: ..........

Executing subproject abseil-cpp 

abseil-cpp| Project name: abseil-cpp
abseil-cpp| Project version: 20230125.1
abseil-cpp| C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (gcc 9.4.0 "c++ (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0")
abseil-cpp| C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.34
abseil-cpp| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wno-sign-compare: YES
abseil-cpp| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -maes: YES
abseil-cpp| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -msse4.1: YES
abseil-cpp| Checking if "GCC atomic builtins" : links: YES
abseil-cpp| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
abseil-cpp| Run-time dependency corefoundation found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
abseil-cpp| Build targets in project: 17
abseil-cpp| Subproject abseil-cpp finished.

Run-time dependency zlib found: YES 1.2.11
Library libatomic found: YES
Run-time dependency GTest found: NO (tried pkgconfig and system)
Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency gtest
Downloading gtest source from
Download size: 1146687
Downloading: ..........
Downloading gtest patch from
Download size: 2093
Downloading: ..........

Executing subproject gtest 

gtest| Project name: gtest
gtest| Project version: 1.10.0
gtest| C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (gcc 9.4.0 "c++ (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0")
gtest| C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.34
gtest| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
gtest| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
gtest| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
gtest| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
gtest| Build targets in project: 18
gtest| Subproject gtest finished.

Dependency gtest from subproject subprojects/googletest-release-1.10.0 found: YES 1.10.0
Build targets in project: 25
NOTICE: Future-deprecated features used:
 * 0.56.0: {'meson.source_root'}

lc0 undefined

    abseil-cpp: YES
    eigen     : YES
    gtest     : YES

  User defined options
    buildtype : release
    prefix    : /usr/local
    embed     : true

Found ninja-1.10.0 at /usr/bin/ninja
ninja: Entering directory `/tmp/tmpat5c67q8/Leela/Leela-tmp/build/release'
[1/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[2/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_profiling.a.p/
[3/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[4/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[5/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[6/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_hash.a.p/
[7/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[8/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_profiling.a.p/
[9/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_profiling.a
[10/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[11/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[12/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[13/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[14/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[15/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[16/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[17/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[18/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[19/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_hash.a.p/
[20/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[21/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[22/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[23/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[24/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a.p/
[25/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[26/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[27/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[28/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[29/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[30/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[31/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[32/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[33/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_numeric.a.p/
[34/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a.p/
[35/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a.p/
[36/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[37/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[38/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[39/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a.p/
[40/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[41/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_numeric.a
[42/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[43/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_base.a
[44/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[45/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[46/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[47/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[48/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_crc.a.p/
[49/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a.p/
[50/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a.p/
[51/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[52/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a.p/
[53/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a.p/
[54/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[55/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_hash.a.p/
[56/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a.p/
[57/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[58/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_hash.a
[59/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[60/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[61/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[62/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[63/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a.p/
[64/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[65/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[66/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[67/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[68/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[69/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_crc.a.p/
[70/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[71/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[72/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[73/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[74/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[75/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[76/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_crc.a.p/
[77/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_crc.a.p/
[78/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_crc.a.p/
[79/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[80/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[81/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[82/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a.p/
[83/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[84/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_crc.a.p/
[85/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[86/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_crc.a.p/
[87/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_debugging.a
[88/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[89/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[90/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_types.a.p/
[91/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_crc.a.p/
[92/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[93/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_crc.a
[94/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_types.a.p/
[95/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[96/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_types.a.p/
[97/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[98/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_types.a
[99/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[100/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[101/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[102/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[103/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[104/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[105/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[106/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[107/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[108/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a.p/
[109/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_synchronization.a.p/
[110/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_random.a
[111/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[112/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[113/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[114/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_synchronization.a.p/
[115/326] Generating 'lc0.p/proto/net.pb.h'.
[116/326] Generating 'lc0.p/neural/onnx/onnx.pb.h'.
[117/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_synchronization.a.p/
[118/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_synchronization.a.p/
[119/326] Generating ''.
[120/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_synchronization.a.p/
[121/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_synchronization.a.p/
[122/326] Generating ''.
[123/326] Generating 'encoder_test.p/proto/net.pb.h'.
[124/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_synchronization.a.p/
[125/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[126/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[127/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[128/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[129/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[130/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[131/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_container.a.p/
[132/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_container.a.p/
[133/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[134/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[135/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a.p/
[136/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_strings.a
[137/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[138/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[139/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[140/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_container.a.p/
[141/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_synchronization.a.p/
[142/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[143/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_container.a
[144/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_synchronization.a
[145/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[146/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a.p/
[147/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[148/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_time.a
[149/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[150/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[151/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[152/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[153/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[154/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_status.a.p/
[155/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[156/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[157/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a.p/
[158/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_status.a.p/
[159/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
../../src/chess/ In member function ‘uint64_t lczero::PositionHistory::CHHash() const’:
../../src/chess/ warning: variable ‘last_move’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  172 |   const Move last_move = LastMove();
      |              ^~~~~~~~~
[160/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_log.a
[161/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[162/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[163/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[164/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_status.a.p/
[165/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_status.a
[166/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[167/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[168/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[169/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[170/326] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a.p/
[171/326] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1/libabsl_flags.a
[172/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[173/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[174/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/neural/
../../src/neural/network_legacy.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LegacyWeights::LegacyWeights(const pblczero::Weights&)’:
../../src/neural/network_legacy.h:227:8: warning: ‘lczero::LegacyWeights::has_smolgen’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  227 |   bool has_smolgen;
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/network_legacy.h:212:15: warning:   ‘lczero::LegacyWeights::PolicyHeads lczero::LegacyWeights::policy_heads’ [-Wreorder]
  212 |   PolicyHeads policy_heads;
      |               ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
   31 | LegacyWeights::LegacyWeights(const pblczero::Weights& weights)
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/
../../src/neural/network_legacy.h:212:15: warning: ‘lczero::LegacyWeights::policy_heads’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  212 |   PolicyHeads policy_heads;
      |               ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/network_legacy.h:211:14: warning:   ‘lczero::LegacyWeights::ValueHeads lczero::LegacyWeights::value_heads’ [-Wreorder]
  211 |   ValueHeads value_heads;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
   31 | LegacyWeights::LegacyWeights(const pblczero::Weights& weights)
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
[175/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[176/326] Compiling C++ object optionsparser_test.p/
[177/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[178/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[179/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[180/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[181/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[182/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[183/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[184/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[185/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[186/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[187/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[188/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[189/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[190/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[191/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/
../../src/mcts/params.h: In constructor ‘lczero::SearchParams::SearchParams(const lczero::OptionsDict&)’:
../../src/mcts/params.h:436:14: warning: ‘lczero::SearchParams::kUseDesperation’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  436 |   const bool kUseDesperation;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/params.h:425:14: warning:   ‘const float lczero::SearchParams::kTopPolicyBoost’ [-Wreorder]
  425 |  const float kTopPolicyBoost;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  722 | SearchParams::SearchParams(const OptionsDict& options)
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/mcts/
../../src/mcts/params.h:442:15: warning: ‘lczero::SearchParams::kCorrectionHistoryLambda’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  442 |   const float kCorrectionHistoryLambda;
      |               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/params.h:413:15: warning:   ‘const float lczero::SearchParams::kEasyEvalWeightDecay’ [-Wreorder]
  413 |   const float kEasyEvalWeightDecay;
      |               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  722 | SearchParams::SearchParams(const OptionsDict& options)
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~
[192/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[193/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[194/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[195/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[196/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[197/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[198/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[199/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[200/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[201/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[202/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[203/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[204/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[205/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h:33,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[206/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/timemgr.h:36,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[207/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[208/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/timemgr.h:36,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/legacy.h:30,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[209/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[210/326] Compiling C++ object
[211/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/neural/cache.h:29,
                 from ../../src/neural/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[212/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h:33,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[213/326] Compiling C++ object
[214/326] Compiling C++ object
../../src/chess/ In member function ‘uint64_t lczero::PositionHistory::CHHash() const’:
../../src/chess/ warning: variable ‘last_move’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  172 |   const Move last_move = LastMove();
      |              ^~~~~~~~~
[215/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h:33,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[216/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[217/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/trainingdata/trainingdata.h:30,
                 from ../../src/trainingdata/reader.h:30,
                 from ../../src/trainingdata/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[218/326] Compiling C++ object position_test.p/
[219/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/neural/cache.h:29,
                 from ../../src/neural/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[220/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/benchmark/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[221/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/timemgr.h:36,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/smooth.h:30,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[222/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h:33,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/common.h:30,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/factory.h:30,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[223/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[224/326] Compiling C++ object
[225/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h:33,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/common.h:30,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[226/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/benchmark/benchmark.h:30,
                 from ../../src/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/benchmark/benchmark.h:30,
                 from ../../src/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[227/326] Compiling C++ object
[228/326] Compiling C++ object
[229/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/trainingdata/trainingdata.h:30,
                 from ../../src/trainingdata/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[230/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ In member function ‘void lczero::LowNode::AdjustForTerminal(float, float, float, float, uint32_t, float)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘multivisit’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  424 |                                 uint32_t multivisit, float multiweight) {
      |                                 ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ In member function ‘void lczero::Node::AdjustForTerminal(float, float, float, float, uint32_t, float)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘multivisit’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  471 |                              uint32_t multivisit, float multiweight) {
      |                              ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ In function ‘bool lczero::WLDMInvariantsHold(float, float, float)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘wl’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  718 |   static bool WLDMInvariantsHold(float wl, float d, float m) {
      |                                  ~~~~~~^~
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘d’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  718 |   static bool WLDMInvariantsHold(float wl, float d, float m) {
      |                                            ~~~~~~^
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘m’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  718 |   static bool WLDMInvariantsHold(float wl, float d, float m) {
      |                                                     ~~~~~~^
[231/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/trainingdata/trainingdata.h:30,
                 from ../../src/trainingdata/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[232/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/benchmark/benchmark.h:30,
                 from ../../src/benchmark/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/benchmark/benchmark.h:30,
                 from ../../src/benchmark/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[233/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/tournament.h:34,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/loop.h:32,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/tournament.h:34,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/loop.h:32,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[234/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/engine.h:33,
                 from ../../src/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/engine.h:33,
                 from ../../src/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[235/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[236/326] Compiling C++ object
[237/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[238/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[239/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/neural/
../../src/neural/network_legacy.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LegacyWeights::LegacyWeights(const pblczero::Weights&)’:
../../src/neural/network_legacy.h:227:8: warning: ‘lczero::LegacyWeights::has_smolgen’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  227 |   bool has_smolgen;
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/network_legacy.h:212:15: warning:   ‘lczero::LegacyWeights::PolicyHeads lczero::LegacyWeights::policy_heads’ [-Wreorder]
  212 |   PolicyHeads policy_heads;
      |               ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
   31 | LegacyWeights::LegacyWeights(const pblczero::Weights& weights)
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/
../../src/neural/network_legacy.h:212:15: warning: ‘lczero::LegacyWeights::policy_heads’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  212 |   PolicyHeads policy_heads;
      |               ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/network_legacy.h:211:14: warning:   ‘lczero::LegacyWeights::ValueHeads lczero::LegacyWeights::value_heads’ [-Wreorder]
  211 |   ValueHeads value_heads;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
   31 | LegacyWeights::LegacyWeights(const pblczero::Weights& weights)
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
[240/326] Compiling C++ object
[241/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/mcts/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/mcts/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
../../src/mcts/ In function ‘float lczero::{anonymous}::ComputeStdev(const lczero::SearchParams&, float, float, float)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘params’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  461 | inline float ComputeStdev(const SearchParams& params, float q, float weight,
      |                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘weight’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  461 | inline float ComputeStdev(const SearchParams& params, float q, float weight,
      |                                                                ~~~~~~^~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ In function ‘float lczero::{anonymous}::ComputeCpuctFactor(const lczero::SearchParams&, float, float, float, float, bool)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘is_root_node’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  514 |                                 float q, float vs, float e, bool is_root_node) {
      |                                                             ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::DoBackupUpdateSingleNode(const lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess&)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused variable ‘ch_alpha’ [-Wunused-variable]
 2518 |   float ch_alpha = params_.GetCorrectionHistoryAlpha();
      |         ^~~~~~~~
[242/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
[243/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/timemgr.h:36,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[244/326] Compiling C++ object
[245/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<DataType>::EncoderBlock(const lczero::LegacyWeights::EncoderLayer&, void*, int, int, float, DataType*, int, int, lczero::ActivationFunction, lczero::ActivationFunction, bool) [with DataType = __half]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:385:14: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<__half>::use_fused_mha_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  385 |   const bool use_fused_mha_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:384:14: warning:   ‘const bool lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<__half>::has_smolgen_’ [-Wreorder]
  384 |   const bool has_smolgen_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 1493 | EncoderBlock<DataType>::EncoderBlock(
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<DataType>::EncoderBlock(const lczero::LegacyWeights::EncoderLayer&, void*, int, int, float, DataType*, int, int, lczero::ActivationFunction, lczero::ActivationFunction, bool) [with DataType = float]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:385:14: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<float>::use_fused_mha_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  385 |   const bool use_fused_mha_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:384:14: warning:   ‘const bool lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<float>::has_smolgen_’ [-Wreorder]
  384 |   const bool has_smolgen_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 1493 | EncoderBlock<DataType>::EncoderBlock(
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<DataType>::AttentionBody(const lczero::LegacyWeights&, void*, lczero::Activations, int, int, int, bool, bool) [with DataType = __half]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:508:14: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<__half>::has_smolgen_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  508 |   const bool has_smolgen_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:495:8: warning:   ‘bool lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<__half>::new_encoding_’ [-Wreorder]
  495 |   bool new_encoding_;   // flag for new position encoding
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2064 | AttentionBody<DataType>::AttentionBody(const LegacyWeights& weights,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<DataType>::AttentionBody(const lczero::LegacyWeights&, void*, lczero::Activations, int, int, int, bool, bool) [with DataType = float]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:508:14: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<float>::has_smolgen_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  508 |   const bool has_smolgen_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:495:8: warning:   ‘bool lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<float>::new_encoding_’ [-Wreorder]
  495 |   bool new_encoding_;   // flag for new position encoding
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2064 | AttentionBody<DataType>::AttentionBody(const LegacyWeights& weights,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(lczero::cudnn_backend::BaseLayer<DataType>*, const lczero::LegacyWeights::ValueHead&, void*, bool, bool, bool, lczero::ActivationFunction, int, bool) [with DataType = __half]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:548:8: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<__half>::attention_body_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  548 |   bool attention_body_;
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:544:7: warning:   ‘int lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<__half>::embedding_size_’ [-Wreorder]
  544 |   int embedding_size_;
      |       ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2311 | ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(BaseLayer<DataType>* ip,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:549:22: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<__half>::act_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  549 |   ActivationFunction act_;
      |                      ^~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:546:8: warning:   ‘bool lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<__half>::wdl_’ [-Wreorder]
  546 |   bool wdl_;
      |        ^~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2311 | ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(BaseLayer<DataType>* ip,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning: unused parameter ‘max_batch_size’ [-Wunused-parameter]
 2316 |                                int max_batch_size, bool use_gemm_ex)
      |                                ~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(lczero::cudnn_backend::BaseLayer<DataType>*, const lczero::LegacyWeights::ValueHead&, void*, bool, bool, bool, lczero::ActivationFunction, int, bool) [with DataType = float]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:548:8: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<float>::attention_body_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  548 |   bool attention_body_;
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:544:7: warning:   ‘int lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<float>::embedding_size_’ [-Wreorder]
  544 |   int embedding_size_;
      |       ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2311 | ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(BaseLayer<DataType>* ip,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:549:22: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<float>::act_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  549 |   ActivationFunction act_;
      |                      ^~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:546:8: warning:   ‘bool lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<float>::wdl_’ [-Wreorder]
  546 |   bool wdl_;
      |        ^~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2311 | ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(BaseLayer<DataType>* ip,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning: unused parameter ‘max_batch_size’ [-Wunused-parameter]
 2316 |                                int max_batch_size, bool use_gemm_ex)
      |                                ~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[246/326] Compiling C++ object
[247/326] Compiling C++ object
[248/326] Compiling C++ object
[249/326] Compiling C++ object
[250/326] Compiling C++ object
[251/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/tournament.h:34,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/tournament.h:34,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[252/326] Compiling C++ object
[253/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/
../../src/mcts/params.h: In constructor ‘lczero::SearchParams::SearchParams(const lczero::OptionsDict&)’:
../../src/mcts/params.h:436:14: warning: ‘lczero::SearchParams::kUseDesperation’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  436 |   const bool kUseDesperation;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/params.h:425:14: warning:   ‘const float lczero::SearchParams::kTopPolicyBoost’ [-Wreorder]
  425 |  const float kTopPolicyBoost;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  722 | SearchParams::SearchParams(const OptionsDict& options)
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/mcts/
../../src/mcts/params.h:442:15: warning: ‘lczero::SearchParams::kCorrectionHistoryLambda’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  442 |   const float kCorrectionHistoryLambda;
      |               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/params.h:413:15: warning:   ‘const float lczero::SearchParams::kEasyEvalWeightDecay’ [-Wreorder]
  413 |   const float kEasyEvalWeightDecay;
      |               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  722 | SearchParams::SearchParams(const OptionsDict& options)
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~
[254/326] Compiling C++ object
[255/326] Compiling C++ object
[256/326] Compiling C++ object
[257/326] Compiling C++ object
[258/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h:33,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[259/326] Compiling C++ object
[260/326] Compiling C++ object
[261/326] Compiling C++ object
[262/326] Compiling C++ object
[263/326] Compiling C++ object
[264/326] Compiling C++ object
[265/326] Compiling C++ object
[266/326] Compiling C++ object
[267/326] Compiling C++ object
[268/326] Compiling C++ object
[269/326] Compiling C++ object
[270/326] Compiling C++ object
[271/326] Compiling C++ object
[272/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/benchmark/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[273/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void lczero::CudaNetwork<DataType>::forwardEval(lczero::cudnn_backend::InputsOutputs*, int) [with DataType = __half]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from ‘void lczero::CudaNetworkComputation<DataType>::ComputeBlocking() [with DataType = __half]’
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘const int’ and ‘size_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-Wsign-compare]
  713 |         (res_block_mem <= scratch_size_) && (res_block_mem <= l2_cache_size_)) {
      |         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void lczero::CudaNetwork<DataType>::forwardEval(lczero::cudnn_backend::InputsOutputs*, int) [with DataType = float]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from ‘void lczero::CudaNetworkComputation<DataType>::ComputeBlocking() [with DataType = float]’
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘const int’ and ‘size_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-Wsign-compare]
[274/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h:33,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[275/326] Compiling C++ object
[276/326] Compiling C++ object
[277/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h:33,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[278/326] Compiling C++ object
[279/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/timemgr.h:36,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/legacy.h:30,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[280/326] Compiling C++ object
[281/326] Compiling C++ object
[282/326] Compiling C++ object
[283/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/timemgr.h:36,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/smooth.h:30,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[284/326] Compiling C++ object encoder_test.p/
[285/326] Compiling C++ object
[286/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h:33,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/common.h:30,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/factory.h:30,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[287/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h:33,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/common.h:30,
                 from ../../src/mcts/stoppers/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[288/326] Compiling C++ object hashcat_test.p/
[289/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/benchmark/benchmark.h:30,
                 from ../../src/benchmark/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/benchmark/benchmark.h:30,
                 from ../../src/benchmark/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[290/326] Compiling C++ object position_test.p/
[291/326] Compiling C++ object
[292/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/trainingdata/trainingdata.h:30,
                 from ../../src/trainingdata/reader.h:30,
                 from ../../src/trainingdata/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[293/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/engine.h:33,
                 from ../../src/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/engine.h:33,
                 from ../../src/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[294/326] Compiling C++ object syzygy_test.p/
[295/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ In member function ‘void lczero::LowNode::AdjustForTerminal(float, float, float, float, uint32_t, float)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘multivisit’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  424 |                                 uint32_t multivisit, float multiweight) {
      |                                 ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ In member function ‘void lczero::Node::AdjustForTerminal(float, float, float, float, uint32_t, float)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘multivisit’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  471 |                              uint32_t multivisit, float multiweight) {
      |                              ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ In function ‘bool lczero::WLDMInvariantsHold(float, float, float)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘wl’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  718 |   static bool WLDMInvariantsHold(float wl, float d, float m) {
      |                                  ~~~~~~^~
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘d’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  718 |   static bool WLDMInvariantsHold(float wl, float d, float m) {
      |                                            ~~~~~~^
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘m’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  718 |   static bool WLDMInvariantsHold(float wl, float d, float m) {
      |                                                     ~~~~~~^
[296/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/trainingdata/trainingdata.h:30,
                 from ../../src/trainingdata/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[297/326] Compiling C++ object chessboard_test.p/
[298/326] Compiling C++ object lc0.p/
../../src/neural/blas/ In instantiation of ‘float lczero::{anonymous}::BlasComputation<use_eigen>::GetEVal(int) const [with bool use_eigen = true]’:
../../src/neural/blas/   required from here
../../src/neural/blas/ warning: unused parameter ‘sample’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  103 |   float GetEVal(int sample) const override {
      |                 ~~~~^~~~~~
[299/326] Compiling C++ object
[300/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/tournament.h:34,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/loop.h:32,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/tournament.h:34,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/loop.h:32,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[301/326] Compiling C++ object
[302/326] Compiling C++ object
[303/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/trainingdata/trainingdata.h:30,
                 from ../../src/trainingdata/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
[304/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/mcts/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/mcts/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
../../src/mcts/ In function ‘float lczero::{anonymous}::ComputeStdev(const lczero::SearchParams&, float, float, float)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘params’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  461 | inline float ComputeStdev(const SearchParams& params, float q, float weight,
      |                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘weight’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  461 | inline float ComputeStdev(const SearchParams& params, float q, float weight,
      |                                                                ~~~~~~^~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ In function ‘float lczero::{anonymous}::ComputeCpuctFactor(const lczero::SearchParams&, float, float, float, float, bool)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused parameter ‘is_root_node’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  514 |                                 float q, float vs, float e, bool is_root_node) {
      |                                                             ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/ In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::DoBackupUpdateSingleNode(const lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess&)’:
../../src/mcts/ warning: unused variable ‘ch_alpha’ [-Wunused-variable]
 2518 |   float ch_alpha = params_.GetCorrectionHistoryAlpha();
      |         ^~~~~~~~
[305/326] Compiling C++ object encoder_test.p/
[306/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[307/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<DataType>::EncoderBlock(const lczero::LegacyWeights::EncoderLayer&, void*, int, int, float, DataType*, int, int, lczero::ActivationFunction, lczero::ActivationFunction, bool) [with DataType = __half]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:385:14: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<__half>::use_fused_mha_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  385 |   const bool use_fused_mha_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:384:14: warning:   ‘const bool lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<__half>::has_smolgen_’ [-Wreorder]
  384 |   const bool has_smolgen_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 1493 | EncoderBlock<DataType>::EncoderBlock(
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<DataType>::EncoderBlock(const lczero::LegacyWeights::EncoderLayer&, void*, int, int, float, DataType*, int, int, lczero::ActivationFunction, lczero::ActivationFunction, bool) [with DataType = float]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:385:14: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<float>::use_fused_mha_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  385 |   const bool use_fused_mha_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:384:14: warning:   ‘const bool lczero::cudnn_backend::EncoderBlock<float>::has_smolgen_’ [-Wreorder]
  384 |   const bool has_smolgen_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 1493 | EncoderBlock<DataType>::EncoderBlock(
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<DataType>::AttentionBody(const lczero::LegacyWeights&, void*, lczero::Activations, int, int, int, bool, bool) [with DataType = __half]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:508:14: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<__half>::has_smolgen_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  508 |   const bool has_smolgen_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:495:8: warning:   ‘bool lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<__half>::new_encoding_’ [-Wreorder]
  495 |   bool new_encoding_;   // flag for new position encoding
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2064 | AttentionBody<DataType>::AttentionBody(const LegacyWeights& weights,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<DataType>::AttentionBody(const lczero::LegacyWeights&, void*, lczero::Activations, int, int, int, bool, bool) [with DataType = float]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:508:14: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<float>::has_smolgen_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  508 |   const bool has_smolgen_;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:495:8: warning:   ‘bool lczero::cudnn_backend::AttentionBody<float>::new_encoding_’ [-Wreorder]
  495 |   bool new_encoding_;   // flag for new position encoding
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2064 | AttentionBody<DataType>::AttentionBody(const LegacyWeights& weights,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(lczero::cudnn_backend::BaseLayer<DataType>*, const lczero::LegacyWeights::ValueHead&, void*, bool, bool, bool, lczero::ActivationFunction, int, bool) [with DataType = __half]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:548:8: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<__half>::attention_body_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  548 |   bool attention_body_;
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:544:7: warning:   ‘int lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<__half>::embedding_size_’ [-Wreorder]
  544 |   int embedding_size_;
      |       ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2311 | ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(BaseLayer<DataType>* ip,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:549:22: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<__half>::act_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  549 |   ActivationFunction act_;
      |                      ^~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:546:8: warning:   ‘bool lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<__half>::wdl_’ [-Wreorder]
  546 |   bool wdl_;
      |        ^~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2311 | ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(BaseLayer<DataType>* ip,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning: unused parameter ‘max_batch_size’ [-Wunused-parameter]
 2316 |                                int max_batch_size, bool use_gemm_ex)
      |                                ~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(lczero::cudnn_backend::BaseLayer<DataType>*, const lczero::LegacyWeights::ValueHead&, void*, bool, bool, bool, lczero::ActivationFunction, int, bool) [with DataType = float]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:548:8: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<float>::attention_body_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  548 |   bool attention_body_;
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:544:7: warning:   ‘int lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<float>::embedding_size_’ [-Wreorder]
  544 |   int embedding_size_;
      |       ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2311 | ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(BaseLayer<DataType>* ip,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/neural/cuda/
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:549:22: warning: ‘lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<float>::act_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  549 |   ActivationFunction act_;
      |                      ^~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/layers.h:546:8: warning:   ‘bool lczero::cudnn_backend::ValueHead<float>::wdl_’ [-Wreorder]
  546 |   bool wdl_;
      |        ^~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
 2311 | ValueHead<DataType>::ValueHead(BaseLayer<DataType>* ip,
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning: unused parameter ‘max_batch_size’ [-Wunused-parameter]
 2316 |                                int max_batch_size, bool use_gemm_ex)
      |                                ~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[308/326] Compiling C++ object hashcat_test.p/
[309/326] Compiling C++ object optionsparser_test.p/
[310/326] Compiling C++ object chessboard_test.p/
[311/326] Compiling C++ object
In file included from ../../src/mcts/search.h:41,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/tournament.h:34,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/node.h: In copy constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:501:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  501 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h: In constructor ‘lczero::LowNode::LowNode(const lczero::LowNode&, uint64_t)’:
../../src/mcts/node.h:737:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::v_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  737 |   float v_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:716:12: warning:   ‘uint64_t lczero::LowNode::hash_’ [-Wreorder]
  716 |   uint64_t hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:718:12: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::ch_hash_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  718 |   uint64_t ch_hash_ = 0;
      |            ^~~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:711:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::d_’ [-Wreorder]
  711 |   double d_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:735:9: warning: ‘lczero::LowNode::m_’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  735 |   float m_ = 0.0f;
      |         ^~
../../src/mcts/node.h:706:10: warning:   ‘double lczero::LowNode::vs_’ [-Wreorder]
  706 |   double vs_ = 0.0f;
      |          ^~~
../../src/mcts/node.h:522:3: warning:   when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  522 |   LowNode(const LowNode& p, const uint64_t hash)
      |   ^~~~~~~
In file included from ../../src/selfplay/game.h:33,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/tournament.h:34,
                 from ../../src/selfplay/
../../src/mcts/search.h: In member function ‘void lczero::SearchWorker::NodeToProcess::SetR50Bounds(lczero::NodeTree*)’:
../../src/mcts/search.h:351:33: warning: unused parameter ‘dag’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  351 |     void SetR50Bounds(NodeTree* dag) {}
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
[312/326] Compiling C++ object syzygy_test.p/
[313/326] Compiling C++ object
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void lczero::CudaNetwork<DataType>::forwardEval(lczero::cudnn_backend::InputsOutputs*, int) [with DataType = __half]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from ‘void lczero::CudaNetworkComputation<DataType>::ComputeBlocking() [with DataType = __half]’
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘const int’ and ‘size_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-Wsign-compare]
  713 |         (res_block_mem <= scratch_size_) && (res_block_mem <= l2_cache_size_)) {
      |         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../src/neural/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void lczero::CudaNetwork<DataType>::forwardEval(lczero::cudnn_backend::InputsOutputs*, int) [with DataType = float]’:
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from ‘void lczero::CudaNetworkComputation<DataType>::ComputeBlocking() [with DataType = float]’
../../src/neural/cuda/   required from here
../../src/neural/cuda/ warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘const int’ and ‘size_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-Wsign-compare]
[314/326] Compiling C++ object encoder_test.p/
[315/326] Compiling C++ object
../../src/neural/blas/ In instantiation of ‘float lczero::{anonymous}::BlasComputation<use_eigen>::GetEVal(int) const [with bool use_eigen = true]’:
../../src/neural/blas/   required from here
../../src/neural/blas/ warning: unused parameter ‘sample’ [-Wunused-parameter]
  103 |   float GetEVal(int sample) const override {
      |                 ~~~~^~~~~~
[316/326] Generating cuda fp32 code with a custom command
[317/326] Generating cuda fp16 code with a custom command
FAILED: fp16_kernels.o 
/usr/local/cuda-11.5/bin/nvcc -arch=compute_60 -code=sm_70 -code=sm_75 -code=sm_80 -code=sm_60 -gencode=arch=compute_80,code=compute_80 -c ../../src/neural/cuda/ -o fp16_kernels.o -I /tmp/tmpat5c67q8/Leela/Leela-tmp/subprojects/abseil-cpp-20230125.1 -I /tmp/tmpat5c67q8/Leela/Leela-tmp/src --std=c++14 -Xcompiler -fPIC -I /opt/cuda/include/ -I /usr/local/cuda/include/ -I /usr/lib/cuda/include/
<built-in>: fatal error: when writing output to /tmp/tmpxft_003ed219_00000000-5_fp16_kernels.cpp4.ii: No space left on device
compilation terminated.
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
make: *** [Makefile:7: all] Error 1